Pakistan made many allegations against India on Kashmir issue in UN no one respond to Pakistan in UN

Pakistan made many allegations against India on Kashmir issue in UN no one respond to Pakistan in UN

Pakistan-India Relations : Pakistan continuously tries to corner India on the Kashmir issue in the United Nations, but never tries to look into its own affairs. Now Pakistan has again cried its woes in the UN, although India also keeps putting forth its side. Pakistan has expressed its displeasure in the UN over the Kashmir issue. It has also raised questions on the UN. Pakistan says that the UN has not paid attention to the issues raised by it.

Pakistan’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Headquarters in New York, Ambassador Usman Jadoon, said that we welcome the convening of the meeting to discuss the issue of missing people from war zones. Pakistan has repeatedly raised the issue of missing persons. What the Indian police and security forces are doing in Kashmir can be put in the category of horror. Thousands of Kashmiri youth are missing. Pakistan alleged that since August 2019, the Indian Army has made 13,000 boys disappear in Kashmir, but still the world is silent on this, no one is paying attention to these cases.

Pakistan said, still the UN is silent
While accusing India, Pakistan also raised questions on the UN. Despite all this, the UN is silent. The Pakistani representative said that there are thousands of women in Kashmir who do not know whether their husbands are alive or not. They are called half widows in Kashmir. The way people have been kidnapped and disappeared in Kashmir is very serious. This is a serious humanitarian issue and we want the UN and human rights organizations to raise it. Pakistan said that the half widow women of Kashmir are not even being given the right to know whether their family members are alive or not. In case of death, they are also deprived of burial and mourning.

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